This is it . . .

This is it . . .

Saturday, February 16, 2013

10 miles on the feet . . .5 miles on the road

Only a combined 15 miles this week.
I worked out every day but one.
I just got back from a run . . .20 degrees....sunny...windy. My repaired knee groaned the whole time. I was stiff and hot. I have a tendency of overdressing.

I will be in Chicago tomorrow so I won't be able to do any sort of workout. Sunday is usually the only day that I have time to "get out" and not have to watch my clock. My son and I are going to go and sit in cars that aren't ours at the Chicago Auto Show.

I have heavy things on my mind.

2 hours later . . . .

I keep my bike in my office inside my house. It makes me sick to see it sitting in there . . . .not doing what it was created to do  . . .to be outside. It makes me sick to see myself inside . . . .not doing what I was created to do . . . .to be outside. So I took her for a quick ten minute spin. When I put it in 1-1 (the lowest gear - or highest(?) ) I feel like I could climb straight up a mountain. There are not very many hills where I live . . . .but the ones that I have came across . . .I shred them with this bike.
I praise GOD every day that I am able to run, and ride and be active again. I have been listening to these guys lately: Wake Owl