This is it . . .

This is it . . .

Monday, August 29, 2011

14 miles yesterday

14 miles yesterday (Sunday)
6:00AM to 8:20AM (one 4 minute bathroom break at Lincoln Park)
Water?            (20 ounces through 7.5 miles then refilled)
NUUN?           (2)
GEL?              (30 minutes before, mile 5.5 and mile 9)
Hurt?              The aches traded places back and forth throughout the run but I AM HEALTHY!
Ice?                Yes
Bandaids         (2) - - - -the one on my left nipple was Ronald McDonald - - -freaked my son out when I                      took off my shirt after the run.
Music?            The lyrics from "Landslide" stuck with me . . "And I'm getting older too . . . "

14 miles seemed fairly anti-climactic considering I did 18 last Sunday. However, I do not take 14 miles for granted and am so very thankful that I am healthy enough to run and push myself. I had my first twinge of doubt yesterday and a little today.  . .  . This morning I went to the Y for spa day and stretched and sat in the Sauna. I am taking this training very slow and deliberate and it is going to pay off with no overuse injuries.

With no running today I feel tired and lazy. I weighed myself. I am at 176 pounds. I could be much slimmer if I would be as disciplined at my eating as I am with my training . . .

I am proud of myself for pushing through the pain. I have a spot for it somewhere deep inside that I put it when it rears its nagging head. There is a HUGE difference between aches/pains and injury. I know the difference. I can't expect to go longer than 5 miles and NOT feel it in my body somewhere.