This is it . . .

This is it . . .

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Why have I not been writing . . . .?

One of my east coast followers recently let me know that this website (blog...whatever) appears as though the author (me) is only "as deep" as my running. Thumbing through the pages . . this could appear to be so. It seems as though that when I am running . . .I want to write and talk about it. When I am not running (due to injury)  . .I don't write. Hmmmm!! For the record . . .I am deeper than running.

I have been busy with my work. I write and communicate for a living. I started this website as a way to track my progress as an online journal for training for my first marathon. I have always just wanted to use these pages for that. When I run .. I have stuff to put on here. When I don't run - I don't. I am don't want this ever to appear as though this is a teenage girl's  online diary. Dear diary: . . . . . . .

I have been walking in the dark mornings. I have been going to the Y. I am going to buy a bike in the next several weeks. I am going to get a Trek 7.3 hybrid. In my mind . . I am never going to be able to run more than 3 miles again.

In about 20 minutes . .I am going to try to run one half mile. This will be the first I have ran in 2 weeks. For my dear reader in Boston  er....the east coast - -I'll tell you how it went.

This is what I have been listening to: Alt-J