This is it . . .

This is it . . .

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Shin Splints . ..

I haven't had shin splints for 5 years. I do now. I am running 7 miles tomorrow morning . . .I am going to run in a different pair of shoes to change my stride. You run different in different shoes . .might be a nice change on some of my overused tendons . . .

I haven't eaten a ton of crap this week. Trying to stay as much away from bread and pop as I can. I am really starting to drink more water and figure out a nutrition/hydration plan. I have read that the dreaded wall is avoidable . . . .however, I am not as scared of it this go around since last time I ran straight into it with no helmet.

It is getting hot again. I am OK with that. If it gets cold I am OK with that too. I am just grateful and praise God that I am alive and able to put one foot in front of the other. ...even if the pace is slow and my body screams at me.

The long run this weekend calls for a Sunday only 13.1 mile run.

This is what I have been listening to: My Body - -Young the Giant (my brother got me into this . . )