This is it . . .

This is it . . .

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

5:15AM . . new weight 177 pounds!

It is 5:15AM
I have just 3 miles ahead.
3 miles seem like a marathon to me right now as I am still half asleep, it is dark down here and the tick of the grandfather clock and the low hum of the trains lull me back to sleep.

This is the part of me that I like. The part that will overcome the temptation to go lay on the couch, turn on the TV  and sleep for another 30 minutes. It is mornings like these that the "run" becomes much more than 3 miles . . .this is the "journey" part of training for something that most people can't overcome.

If only I could carry this discipline into other aspect of my life . . . .

I weighed in at 177 yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm back.
3.5 miles  . . .I ran a half mile further because I had a medium chocolate malt last night.
I cranked it the whole run . . .AND . . . .did 40 pushups when I got done. I have been stuck on 35! I want to go into this marathon FIT . . not just running fit but fit.

I didn't really think about anything this run . . . .I praised God for things and sucked in the morning. If this is my last day . . this was a good day to start it out.