I haven't been very good about writing about my running lately. It is not that I haven't been running and it's not that my running has turned mundane . . .I just haven't been writing. Some of it this I think stems from the fact that I am in advertising and I get paid to write so writing in my free time seems like work. However, one day when I am gone . .my kids and grandkids will hopefully be able to read the contents of this rambling that I do and get a little glimpse of me. I ran several times this week at the Y and outside in the dark, cold mornings but never ran more than 3 miles. I ran on trails with my son today because he got a new pair of Merrill trail shoes . . .and because I love him and I will always go when he asks! Some day he won't ask . . .
I am going to go for an 8 mile run tomorrow morning. My gut is starting to store fat for the winter and the "edge" is starting to soften. I need to sign up for something soon.