This is it . . .

This is it . . .

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Feeding myself . . .

I go to the library almost once a week. This has everything to do with my running. What I ingest in terms of music and reading, I digest while I run. I ran outside this week several times. Wednesday morning at 5:15AM . .it was below 20 degrees. I ran yesterday morning also, it was below 15 degrees. I ran in the first snow of the year. My feet crunched and my breath froze.Today it is only 25 degrees and I have a short run planned downtown to my buddies running shop to pick out a pair of running gloves that will hopefully be put in my stocking . . . .Tomorrow I am going to go 9 miles out to the Lake again . . .it is becoming a part of me as I have spent enough miles out there to have a little history. I know the smells and the sounds.

This is what I got at the Library today:
Chopin and Brahms CD ( I listen to classical music in the winter when I run)
Band of Horses CD
Mens Health Magazine
Outside Magazine
John Berryman Collected Poems
James Merrill Collected Poems
Poems by WS Merwin

All of this art will in some way become a part of me over the next several days, sprinkle this with some Psalms, memories, whispers and my own thoughts - - and this will be the fuel that I run on this coming week.