This is it . . .

This is it . . .

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I am needing a shot in the arm . . .

I have been running but nothing more than 4 miles since the marathon. I am so thankful that I am not hurt and have been able to run through the fall. I have really lost my fitness. I need to get signed up for something. My work life and family life has been quite busy and I am finding it hard to find time to run. Since the marathon
I have been working out at the Y 2 days a week. I have no muscle! This post has not be very inspiring. I am however going to get up EARLY EARLY tomorrow and get in 4 miles before my day starts. The new Coldplay album is out so maybe I will download that on ITUNES and put it on my IPOD.

I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY miss my pre-marathon self. I miss how it made me a good man. I miss how it made me a disciplined man. I miss sweating and drinking water and talking so freely to GOD because I had 2 and 3 hour runs. And . . . .I think he misses me too.