This is it . . .

This is it . . .

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sledgehammers on my quads and I'm still going to write . .

#1 I am still going to write on this blog every day. I am hoping for a book deal. Or an underwear deal. I'll take whichever comes first.

#2 I feel like somebody took a sledgehammer to my quads.

#3 I can however go up the stairs headon instead of sideways.

#4 This 26.2 mile thing has become a bigger deal in my mind today.

# 5 I got up at 4:30AM on Monday and Tuesday . .both days I went to the Y to recover in the pool, steam room, sauna and stretched.

#6 I am going to try to keep this marathon "lifestyle" . . .THAT is what I like about the Doug Owen who ran 26.2 miles.

#7 YES . .I ran the whole 26.2 . .though I had to stop and go to the bathroom at mile 18 . .I can't count that as a STOP (I stood up!) . .

#8 I missed my projected time by 10 minutes. Several reasons for that: HILLS, I hit the wall and was scared to push completely out of it because I thought there might be another wall even bigger! I never did this before!

#9 My heart did a little dance at mile 24 to let me know it was getting annoyed.

#10 This is actually #1. I could not have ran 26.2 miles without God going on all of the training runs with me! I hate when people say that and don't mean it . .I mean it.