This is it . . .

This is it . . .

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Fathers Day

Ran 5 miles today. Unsure at this point how I am ever going to manage to squeak out another 21 miles. However, I never thought that I would be able to run 13.1 miles and I have three times. I keep all of this running in perspective. I have certainly had to do harder things in my life than run 13.1 miles and now 26.2 miles. I have had to have hard conversations. I have had to say goodbye to people that I love. I have had to watch a 12 year old boy get his heart broken for the first time after a dance. I have had my heart broken. I have overcome (through the strength of God) addictions, . . .so all this is is running. I am going to battle a lot tougher things in my life than to try to run 26.2 miles. I already have.

I spent this day with my dad, my son and my step dad. I am thankful that all of them are still around. One day they won't be - - -and when that day comes, I will run to try and relieve some of the hurt. I spent most of the day swinging in a hammock with my high school sweetheart and walking in the creek with our 13 year old offspring! My 5 year old daughter made me a card that said "I like you" on the front cover - - -I am glad that she likes me! I love her.

Tomorrow morning I go to the Y and workout. . . .